Back in Constanta … Leah Lewis serving with YWAM Friends in Sarajevo
Hey all! I am back Constanta, Romania after an amazing, stretching and eye-opening outreach that I have to say was completely arranged by our good and loving Father in heaven. He put together my team in such a way that we had many different life-experiences to share and gifts to use in serving, and God met us up with just the right people so that we were a blessing, naturally through who we were. So thank you God for blessing us with so many awesome opportunities to love people and to serve, and thank you folks out there who have all contributed financially and through prayer to make this trip possible. It was awesome!
Our last month of outreach was spent in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia working with an American couple who have a community center called Nova Nada, “New Hope”. Through this community center and through friends we were able to build friendships with many different people- young people, older people, Muslims, Christians, and mentally and physically disabled people. These friendships have taught me so much about loving people into the Kingdom of God. The love that God put in our hearts for the people in Sarajevo is so strong and we are going to miss everyone there so much. We are praying that the seeds we sowed into each life will bear fruit in time and that the love we showed each one will remind them of the incredible love that God our Father has for them. Already we have had word that one of our dear friends there has accepted Jesus as his Savior!!!! May many more follow!
Back here in Constanta, we will be spending the week finishing up the Discipleship Training School with debriefing and evaluation on the school as a whole. As DTS staff I have been so blessed to see God grow the students in such an amazing way and to see their passion for serving God grow more and more. Please keep the students in your prayers and many of them are looking for their next step in life. Specifically I would like you to pray for Mario and Veska, the two Bulgarian students who were on outreach team. Pray for God’s provision for both of them and for his leading. These are two very special people and I am going to miss them so much!
As for me, I will be heading to AMERICA as soon as the school finishes! June 16th I will arrive in Florida to spend time with family and get some much needed rest. Then I am on to Denver for more family visiting and finally July 3rd I will be in my hometown, Ashland, Oregon until the 28th of July to reconnect with my church, friends and family there. The 12-15th of July I will be in Redding, CA visiting college friends. Please let me know if you want to meet up during my time home. I would love to see as many people as possible as it has been almost 2 years since I was last in the States!
Fundraising update…Praise God for his provision during outreach! The cost was much less than we expected and I still have enough money to finish the DTS and get me to the airport and on my way home. So far I have had two families decide to join my support team with their monthly support and this is such a blessing! Please pray for me as I seek out opportunities to share all that God is doing here in Constanta and in all of the Balkan while I am in the States. I am praying that God will continue to add to my support team and that together we will be able to make a difference in the lives of the people here in Constanta and in all of the Balkan- loving them into the Kingdom and helping them to grow into givers of hope and life. Please remember that you are a part what God is doing here. Through your prayers, encouragement, gifts and love, you are making a difference. Thank you so much!
Resident at Pazaric Home for the disabled in Bosnia orphanage website
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